5 Success Lessons From Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is a professional golfer who set an amazing career in motion in 1997 when he became the youngest man and the first African American to win the U.S. Masters. Tiger Woods success in golf is not an accident. There s no doubt that he was born with a special talent, but Tiger also has many qualities that have allowed him to express that talent in extraordinary ways. Tiger Woods is among the most successful golfers of all time.

Below are 5 lessons we can learn from Tiger and apply in our lives.

Lesson 1: Believe

When you believe in yourself, you significantly increase your ability to achieve greatness. Easier said than done, yet replacing negative and self-doubting thoughts with affirmative thoughts will have a significant impact on your success. Consider adopting a mental training program to train your brain toward positive thinking.

“My will can move mountains.” Tiger Woods

Lesson 2: Keep Improving no matter how good you are

Never settle for good enough, not when you know you could always be better tomorrow than you were today. That’s how Tiger keeps himself excited, into the game, and appreciating his life on a daily basis. Each day he practices his technique and improves a little bit. You can be sure he takes this principle out of the game and into life.

“No matter how good you get you can always get better and that is the exciting part”- Tiger Woods

“People don’t understand that when I grew up, I was never the most talented, I was never the biggest, I was never the fastest, I certainly was never the strongest. The only thing I had was my work ethic, and that’s been what has gotten me this far.” Tiger Woods

Lesson 3: Create a Clear and Compelling Dream

Creating a vision for your life might seem like a frivolous, fantastical waste of time, but it’s not: creating a compelling vision of the life you want is actually one of the most effective strategies for achieving the life of your dreams. Each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take.

“The greatest thing about tomorrow is I will be better than I am today.” Tiger Woods

Lesson 4:  Be obsessed with your craft

Obsession is usually looked upon as an unhealthy fixation, however, obsession needn’t be unhealthy. In fact, finding a healthy obsession is what most people will characterize as a purpose for living. We are all either searching for our purpose and passion in life or we are already living it.  Healthy addiction is the key to become greatly successful in any field.

“I’m addicted. I’m addicted to golf.” Tiger Woods

“Golf is me.” Tiger Woods

Lesson 5: Believe you will win

To perform at your best in sports or business you must believe in yourself. You must believe in your ability to perform. You must believe that you can get better. Have the growth mindset in that any skills you currently lack you can develop.

Self-doubt means that you question your competence to hit the ball where you want it to go. As you begin to doubt, you tell your body how to swing the club, which then becomes more difficult, mechanical and forced.

“There’s no sense in going to a tournament if you don’t believe that you can win it. And that is the belief I have always had, and that is not going to change.” Tiger Woods

“The only reason I enter an event is to win.” Tiger Woods